Children & Youth Ministry


We believe direct ministry to children; youth and their families plays an integral role in seeing the name of God glorified and his kingdom grow beyond the walls of any building.

Statistically, most adult Christians made their decision to follow Jesus before the age of 20 and ironically at the same age many walk away from the faith in pursuit of other life interests.

Both parents and the whole church must co-partner in the responsibility of the discipling of young Christians.

We endeavor to:

  • Teach young people God’s word through relational discipleship;

Effective teaching of God’s word functions best within the context of genuine Christian relationships, both children and youths grasp biblical realities easier when manifested in the lives of those they are connected to.

  • Integrate children and young people into the household of faith;

The objective is a wider household where each family member can influence each other to glorify Christ and whether child or adult everyone is seen as an equal member of the body.

  • Youth leaders who lead with intent;

The spiritual and emotional wellbeing of leaders is critical for the ongoing sustainability of children’s and youth ministry. This is maintained through our commitment to discipleship and mentoring of our leaders.

Join our Children & Youth Ministry

Join the Children & Youth Ministry